leakweek 2018

#leakweek 2018
because your dura maters℠
No, it isn’t a typo.
dura mater = the tough layer around the brain and spinal cord that normally holds in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Our theme for #leakweek 2018 : because your dura maters℠
We have been raising awareness about intracranial hypotension (low CSF volume/pressure in the head) which is the result of a hole or defect in the spinal dura mater which leads to a cerebrospinal fluid leak. The brain and spinal cord need this special watery fluid to function normally.
The most common symptom is headache that tends to be worse after minutes to hours upright. BUT, there are many other neurologic signs, symptoms and complications.
Indeed, this serious disorder occurs because your dura maters℠
During the week of March 4 – 10, we sought to raise awareness of this under-diagnosed and often very disabling neurologic disorder. Earlier diagnosis and treatment is needed to reduce unnecessary suffering. The correct diagnosis offers hope for a cure.
Some media coverage:
Scott Lamar of WITF Smart Talk invited Connie Deline to be interviewed during #leakweek.
The replay of the segment starts at 33:30
We thank all those who shared their stories
#leakweek #becauseyourduramaters #spinalCSFleak