leakweek 2019

Use the hashtags: #spinalCSFleak #leakweek #becauseyourduramaters
#leakweek 2019 was June 3-8, 2019
We chose this date because the month of June is also Migraine and Headache Awareness Month (#headache is the most common symptom of #spinalCSFleak). Together, we help more patients with unrecognized #spinalCSFleak receive the correct diagnosis and treatment!
#duradash is our virtual race in which you can participate with your choice of activity (run, walk, cycle, swim, wheelchair, whatever!) and your choice of distance. Registration will remain open through to June 15. $5 from each registration supports the foundation’s mission with more awareness, education and research. With broad participation, we can raise more awareness of #spinalCSfleak.

More patient stories in video format and narrative format were released during #leakweek so watch for those to review and share! Click on each name to view or see the links thru our news posts.
- Martha’s story
- Katrina’s story
- Patty’s story
- Nicole’s story
- Rex’s story
- Alex’s story
Together with Spinal CSF Leak Canada, we hosted 3 Facebook LIVE Meet-the-Expert events. Replays are still up on Facebook.
Check out highlights of #leakweek 2019