Thank you for taking on the challenge to “start where you are” and participate in this year’s #duradash! The purpose of #duradash is to bring together our community in a virtual activity challenge and raise funds for education, research, and awareness around spontaneous intracranial hypotension and spinal CSF leak. We would love for you to help us do that by sharing the #duradash campaign with your friends and family. To help make this easier, we have created this Tool Kit for you, which includes instructions, messaging templates, graphics, and more.
Event Information
What is duradash®? Who can participate? What’s it for? Find out in this overview of the event!
Spinal CSF Leak Information
Here is some information about the Spinal CSF Leak Foundation and the work we do, as well as some general information about spinal CSF leak that you can share as you raise awareness during duradash®.
About the Spinal CSF Leak Foundation (PDF)
Our history and mission.
Creating A Fundraising Page
We use CauseVox as our platform for duradash®, but if you prefer to participate via Facebook, you are welcome to set up a duradash® fundraiser there. Here are instructions for both!
Note that if you created an account with CauseVox for duradash® in years past, you don’t have to create a new one—just sign in using the username and password for your existing account.
Creating a personal fundraising page on Causevox
Complete instructions can be found here: How To Create A Personal Fundraising Page . And if you prefer a video to guide you through the process, there is also a video tutorial here!
For instructions on creating or joining a Team Page, check out How Do Team Pages Work? and How a Fundraiser can Join a Team.
Steps for creating a personal fundraising page:
Step 1: Go to your CauseVox campaign site (duradash.causevox.com) and click on the “Join The Campaign” button.
Step 2: Sign up for a Personal Fundraising Page account with your email and set a password. Note: If you’ve already signed up for an account on a previous campaign, you can login with the same email and password.
Step 3: Once signed in, you will be directed step-by-step on how to complete your profile to get your Personal Fundraising Page up and running. Complete your profile by uploading a picture and filling in your name.
Photo – Upload your own photo. Square images work the best. Your campaign organizer may have prepopulated a photo for you that you can easily replace.
Name – Enter in your first name and last name.
Step 4: Next, enter your Display Name, URL to your Personal Fundraising Page, your fundraising goal.
Display Name – Your display name is what appears on your fundraising page. While it’s defaulted to you your name, you can write in any display name you’d like, such as “The Cody Family” in the example above.
URL – This is the link you will send to your friends so they can access your Personal Fundraising Page.
Fundraising Goal – Your Fundraising Goal is amount of money you intend to raise for your campaign.
Activity Metric Goal – Your Activity Metric Goal is the goal amount for your activity/fitness challenge. You can reset the goal and update the progress of your goal at any time!
Step 5: Enter in your your fundraising appeal. The Fundraising Appeal on a Personal Fundraising Page comes prepopulated with the Fundraising Appeal for #duradash. Feel free to edit this section and compose your own personalized appeal. This section should give your supporters a concise and clear idea on why you feel for this campaign, the goal of this campaign, and how it intends to fulfill its goals through these fundraising efforts. Don’t forget to conclude your appeal with a call to action to donate.
Step 6: Sharing your Personal Fundraising Page. In this step, you can compose a personalized message to spread the word about your new Personal Fundraising Page with your network of contacts on the most popular social media platforms.
Success! You have just set up your Personal Fundraising Page! You will be directed to your Personal Fundraising Page’s Account, and view your dashboard to manage your page.
How to create a Facebook fundraiser
- Go to https://www.facebook.com/fund/Spinal.CSf.Leak.Foundation/
- Be sure to select “Spinal CSF Leak Foundation” as the non-profit to support.
- Set a target donation amount and a finish date of June 8, 2024.
- Edit the title of your fundraiser to make it clear you’re raising funds for #duradash. For example: “[your name]’s #duradash fundraiser for Spinal CSF Leak Foundation”
- Edit the “why are you raising money” section to something like the following:
From May 26-June 8, I’m raising money for Spinal CSF Leak Foundation by participating in #duradash, a virtual activity challenge! The funds raised will support the Spinal CSF Leak Foundation’s mission and goals. Every little bit helps! Thank you for your support. - Track your progress and post updates on your fundraiser as you participate in #duradash!
Messaging Templates (for email, social media, and text)
The following are documents with suggested messages that you can adapt for your own use to share via email, social media, or text to help spread the word about #duradash.
Press Release
Below is a document that you can adapt to send to your local media and press organizations in order to raise awareness about #duradash and the Spinal CSF Leak Foundation.
Below are graphics that you can download to share as you raise awareness about #duradash and the Spinal CSF Leak Foundation.