Dr. Lalani Carlton Jones: What is the Evidence for Post-Patch Care?

December 1, 2023Conference, News

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A talk by Dr. Lalani Carlton Jones exploring the evidence for post-patch care at the Bridging the Gap Conference on November 11, 2023, presented by the Spinal CSF Leak Foundation in partnership with the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.



Lalani Carlton Jones, MBBS, practices adult and pediatric neuroradiology at Guy’s and St Thomas’s neurology service, The Evelina London, and King’s College Hospitals. Lalani is an educational program lead for the British Society of Neuroradiologists. She has also founded and directed several national teaching radiology courses, as well as serving as neuroradiology lead for UKIO and the Royal College of Radiologists annual conferences. She holds national teaching roles and has been awarded several prestigious national and international awards and prizes for her work, including the Kings Health Partners Innovation in Education award, British Society of Neuroradiologists Isherwood travelling scholarship, Royal College of Radiologists JRF Trainer of the Year nomination, RCR National Vera Ansell audit prize as well as several conference awards for winning presentations and exhibits including the RSNA (Radiological Society of North America).


For more information

Visit our Bridging the Gap conference page for more videos from the November 11, 2023, event.