Please note: This video cannot be played on this page because it includes surgical images that are age-restricted on YouTube. Please click on the photo above to access the video in YouTube itself. Slides Download the Slides Transcript Thank you. I want to thank Andy...
Slides Download the Slides Transcript Okay, good morning everyone, and thank you to the Spinal CSF Foundation and to Dr. Callen for inviting me. I’m very pleased to be talking to you today about CSF-venous fistulas – known and unknown. This talk is going...
Transcript Perfect, thanks a lot for the introduction, and thanks a lot for pronouncing my name correctly – it’s a tough job, I know. So, congratulations to the faculty around Andrew for setting up this meeting. It’s fantastic, and this mode is...
Transcript Thank you for the introduction. As mentioned, my name is Laura Tietz, and I’ve been a leak patient for just about four years. I’m here to discuss CSF venous fistula treatments, specifically transvenous embolization from a patient’s point...
Slides Download the Slides Transcript Thank you so much. Thank you, Dr. Friedman, that was excellent. I’ll tell you a secret – one of the real reasons that I helped organize this was just to get all these people that I look up to so much in the same room...
Slides Download the Slides Transcript Thank you for that kind introduction. I’m really honored to speak on a topic that we’ve done a lot of work on – and that’s fibrin glue patching. Over the next 15 minutes, we’re going to have two main...