Educational Videos

The following is a collection of educational videos explaining some of the basics of intracranial hypotension and spinal CSF leak.

Upright Headache: My Spinal CSF Leak

This video animation about spinal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak explains that the hallmark symptom of an “upright headache,” or a headache that is worse when upright for a variable length of time, may be due to a spinal CSF leak.

Symptoms of Spinal CSF Leak

This video features Spinal CSF Leak Foundation founder Dr. Connie Deline and Dr. Wouter Schievink discussing the symptom of positional headache due to spinal CSF leak.

Diagnosing Spinal CSF Leak

Foundation founder—and patient—Dr. Connie Deline talks about the challenges of diagnosing and treating a debilitating spinal CSF leak.

Treating Spinal CSF Leak

Foundation founder Dr. Connie Deline and Dr. Wouter I. Schievink discuss treatment options for spinal CSF leak.

Prognosis for Spinal CSF Leak

Dr. Connie Deline and Dr. Wouter Schievink discuss the wide range of outcomes for patients with spinal CSF leak.

Spinal CSF Leak and Chiari

The descent of the cerebellar tonsils in intracranial hypotension secondary to spinal CSF leaks can mimic Chiari. Patients may also have brain descent associated with congenital Chiari which is exacerbated by intracranial hypotension from spinal CSF leaks. This complexity impacts treatment and outcomes. Mark Luciano, MD, of Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland, gave a talk in association with the Chiari & Syringomyelia Foundation on April 15, 2016 that may help you to better understand. This educational video is shared with permission from Dr. Luciano and the Chiari & Syringomyelia Foundation.