Father’s Day: Men and Spinal CSF Leak

June 16, 2024Holiday, Patient Stories

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Happy Father’s Day from the Spinal CSF Leak Foundation! This Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, it’s important to know that spinal CSF leak and other headache diseases can affect anyone—including men.


Father's Day: Men and Spinal CSF Leak


In these four stories, we hear from fathers affected by spinal CSF leak, as both patients and caregivers.

Jeff was undergoing treatment for spinal CSF leak when he learned he was going to be a father. Alex’s kids were teenagers when he first began experiencing the terrible head pain that so often accompanies spinal CSF leak. Berhanu’s five children helped support him during his most alarming, serious symptoms of spinal CSF leak due to a CSF-venous fistula. And Burke shared with us the story of how his whole family was affected when his son had a spinal CSF leak.


Read their stories, or watch the videos, here:

Jeff’s spinal CSF leak story

Alex – a spinal CSF leak story

Berhanu’s spinal CSF leak story

A Caregiver’s Perspective: Burke’s story