
Donate in support of the Spinal CSF Leak Foundation
Your tax-deductible donation supports our efforts to raise awareness, educate, and fund research and our soon-to-launch international patient registry with the aim to help achieve earlier diagnosis, better treatment, and improved outcomes for people with spinal CSF leak.
Donate to the Amanda J. Pickard PhD Memorial Fund
This fund honors the life and work of Spinal CSF Leak Foundation board member Amanda J. Pickard, PhD. At the request of her family, contributions will go to support research that advances the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of spinal CSF leak, as well as supporting the Foundation’s continuing work in education and awareness that was so important to her.
By Mail: If you prefer to mail your donation check, please make the check payable to “Spinal CSF Leak Foundation.” Remember to include your full name and address so that we can mail you a receipt for income tax purposes. Mail it to us at Spinal CSF Leak Foundation, 100 N Howard St, Suite 5792, Spokane, WA 99201.
Via Facebook: You can donate to us through Facebook on our Facebook page or by setting up a personal Facebook fundraiser to raise funds for the Foundation.
Legacy Gifts: You can remember the Spinal CSF Leak Foundation in your estate plan. Speak to your lawyer about planned giving to the Foundation through your will, trust or life insurance. We encourage all planned giving donors to speak to their attorney and financial planners regarding legacy gifts to the Spinal CSF Leak Foundation.
Employer Matching: Does your employer match charitable donations? Many companies will match donations to charitable organizations, increasing the impact of your personal contribution. If you need more information to work with your human resources department, please contact us at
Charitable IRAs: Are you 70 ½ years of age or older and considering donating from a Charitable IRA rollover? Speak to your investment advisor about donating to the Spinal CSF Leak Foundation from your IRA. Please contact us at if you need additional information.
Donor-Advised Funds: To learn more about Donor-Advised Funds, speak to your investment advisor. Please contact us at if you need additional information.
Spinal CSF Leak Foundation is registered in all states that require it plus the District of Columbia. CLICK HERE for more details.