Spinal CSF Leak Awareness Week: #leakweek 2021

Thanks for raising awareness during #leakweek2021! This year’s international #leakweek event, June 7-12, has highlighted #duradash participants; featured three new video patient stories, plus clips of patients and caregivers sharing their thoughts on what people should know about living with spinal CSF leak; provided updates on current Foundation-funded research; announced applications for our new Patient Advisory Panel for Research; celebrated GO PURPLE day on June 10, in conjunction with Spinal CSF Leak Canada; and raised over $28,000 through #duradash! Thanks, everyone!

Thanks for #duradashing with us!

This year’s #duradash ran May 29-June 12. We were so thrilled by the creative and enthusiastic ways people joined in to raise awareness! Check out some of our #duradash participants below!