Clinician Education Initiative
The Spinal CSF Leak Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of a new Clinician Education Initiative, the goal of which is to exponentially grow the number of clinicians who are trained to recognize, diagnose, and successfully treat spinal CSF leak in the US and across the globe.

As part of the Spinal CSF Leak Foundation’s advocacy efforts, we conducted a qualitative survey of clinicians as well as patients and their care partners asking where they saw the greatest need for advocacy. The responses yielded one over-arching concern, voiced by nearly every single respondent: The need for more trained medical professionals.
While the number of excellent clinicians and centers specializing in spinal CSF leak care has grown significantly in the last ten years, we recognize that spinal CSF leak is still under-recognized and under-diagnosed. Our goal is both to support clinicians and centers in their ongoing work, and to accelerate those efforts. To that end, we are pleased to announce our new Clinician Education Initiative. Under this initiative, clinicians and centers can apply for funding to further their education. The Foundation will be looking to support projects that show the greatest accessibility as well as exponential potential.
Dream big!
Our hope is ultimately for every clinician worldwide to know about and be able to identify spinal CSF leak, and for every hospital to offer epidural blood patching as a minimum standard of care.
Initiative Examples
A clinician wishing to receive hands-on training with a specific center can reach out to that center to make arrangements and then request travel funding from the Foundation. This is encouraged both among clinicians within and outside of the United States.
Funding to send an expert clinician to train others in another hospital setting.
Hosting a webinar or seminar.
Traveling to attend a webinar or seminar.
Creation of training materials, including video documentation of processes and procedures as allowed within accordance of the law.
Dream big! You tell us and let the Foundation figure out how we can assist your educational efforts.
Individuals applying for training travel should include how they will then take what they have learned and pass it along to others, as well as how the gained knowledge base will be utilized to treat patients.
Webinars, Seminars, and CME should focus on the following whenever applicable:
- Accessibility via remote options
- Recordings to be shared on a broader scale
- Free access for med students, residents, and fellows
- Free access for patients
- Free access overall, with the option for suggested donation registration
- The further the reach, the better!
The ACCME encourages patient engagement in planning as well as presentation of materials. Greater consideration will be given to requests that support this initiative.
The Foundation is happy to provide patient advocates and/or patient moderators.
Global and rural reach are greatly encouraged.
Clinicians across all specialties are invited to apply, as spinal CSF leak patients often touch upon the modalities of many different specialties.
Clinicians will be required to meet contracted specifications as well as participate in a post-initiative debrief of the outcome.
Please check with your institution’s budgeting prior to requesting funding, in an effort to extend the reach of this initiative.
For the 2023–2024 fiscal year, $25,000 has been budgeted for the Clinician Education Initiative. This amount may increase in future fiscal years, dependent upon additional funding as well as demand. Any funds awarded must be utilized in the designated fiscal year unless otherwise noted. Funding is dependent upon a mutually agreed upon contract and may be revoked if not utilized as designated.
HELP FUND OUR EFFORTS: Donate here to support spinal CSF leak education, awareness, and research.
The application window has now closed. Check back for further application dates!